Bulunduğunuz dizindeki dosyaları ve klasörleri(alt klasörler dahil) büyüklüğüne göre sıralamak için aşagıkaki komutu kullanabilirsiniz.
du -s * | sort -nr | cut -f2- | xargs du -hs
Bulunduğunuz dizindeki dosyaları ve klasörleri(alt klasörler dahil) büyüklüğüne göre sıralamak için aşagıkaki komutu kullanabilirsiniz.
du -s * | sort -nr | cut -f2- | xargs du -hs
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost master[16716]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/lmtpd
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost lmtpunix[16716]: executed
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost lmtpunix[16716]: DBERROR db4: /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: unexpected file type or format
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost lmtpunix[16716]: DBERROR: opening /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: Invalid argument
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost lmtpunix[16716]: DBERROR: opening /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: cyrusdb error
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost lmtpunix[16716]: FATAL: lmtpd: unable to init duplicate delivery database
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost master[3545]: process 16716 exited, status 75
Aug 23 17:37:50 localhost master[3545]: service lmtpunix pid 16716 in READY state: terminated abnormally
# service cyrus-imapd stop # rm /var/lib/imap/tls_sessions.db* # rm /var/lib/imap/deliver.db* # rm /var/lib/imap/db/* # service cyrus-imapd start
SSH into your iDevice and browse to /Applications/Cydia/ and create two copies of package.js computer ( one is your backup and you will edit the other one ) .
Inside that file search for
var depiction = package.depiction
. Edit that line so that
depiction = package.depiction
will become
depiction = null
Now save the file and copy it back to /Applications/Cydia/ , overwriting the original one. Thats it. Now restart Cydia and enjoy.
all databases
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > dump.sql
one database
mysqldump -u root -p --databases db1 > dump.sql
many databases
mysqldump -u root -p --databases db1 db2 db... > dump.sql
mysqldump -u root -p --triggers --all-databases > dump.sql
procedures and functions:
mysqldump -u root -p --routines --all-databases > dump.sql
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases | gzip > dump.sql.gz
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases | bzip2 > dump.sql.bz2
Making a comparison between the dump with three compression options (none, gzip and bzip2) had the following result:
And how do I restore the dump?
mysql -u root -p < dump.sql
gunzip < dump.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p
bunzip2 < dump.sql.bz2 | mysql -u root -p
Sometimes extracting a zip file using the unzip command may result in the “skipping: filename.zip need PK compat. v4.5″ error message.
# unzip filename.zip
Archive: filename.zip
skipping: filename.zip need PK compat. v4.6 (can do v2.1)
This is due to the file been compressed with the latest version of PKZIP which the unzip command cannot handle. The solution is to install p7zip package which can handle the files compressed using PKZIP.
Download the latest version of p7zip:
# wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/p7zip/p7zip/9.20.1/p7zip_9.20.1_x86_linux_bin.tar.bz2?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fp7zip%2Ffiles%2Fp7zip%2F9.20.1%2Fp7zip_9.20.1_x86_linux_bin.tar.bz2%2Fdownload&ts=1390605043&use_mirror=garr
Extract the file
# tar -jxf p7zip_9.20.1_x86_linux_bin.tar.bz2
goto the extracted directory and run the installer
# ./install.sh
This will install the ’7za’ command on your server using which the zip file can be extracted
# 7za x filename.zip
Processing archive: filename.zip
Extracting filename
Everything is Ok